About Me

Loving life to the fullest!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What now??? I am 50......

Isn't that funny, the long awaited 1/2 century birthday has come and gone and I don't feel any different. Those bad, bad girls of mine and my sister planned a surprise party for me, funded by my husband!! I was mad cause I didn't have a clue. The funny thing about an embarrassing party like that is - you get all your friends together and love having them there. Why don't we do that more for no reason??? Anyway, I took a week off work that I thoroughly enjoyed and worked on projects as I felt like it.

I realize how tremendously blessed my life is. I hope I don't take that for granted. Now there is always room for improvement in my relationships and attitude.....so a never ending project in the process, but my life has been fabulous and fantastic in lots of ways.

The day of my birthday, Ryan and David took me to Chili's in East Peoria. We had a great meal but we also were together and had great conversation. Then, little did I know, my "good" friends :) the McFees set up a fake mission committee meeting to get me to the church at 3:15 on Sunday afternoon and it worked. When David and I pulled into the parking lot and all those cars were there, including my girls' cars, I knew I was doomed. They did it, they actually pulled it off.

So, the day after my birthday, I colored my hair, auburn, with lots of "red" tints. I like it and it felt good making that change. There are lots of other changes I want to make and will work on those slowly and thoughtfully.

I honestly can't believe I have turned 50, where have the years gone and how quickly the next 50 will come and go. Scary. Hopefully, home to heaven sooner than later.
Still pondering this life of ours.......Kim

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's Almost Here

Yes, the long awaited 50th birthday is Sunday. When I left work the other day, I looked back and said, "The next time you see me, I will be much older!" and one of my friends said, "Yea, but did you have fun getting there?" and "YES", was my reply. I was so glad she said that. That puts a little different light on the subject. 50 does sound alot older than 49 for some stupid reason. But, my life has been a great 50 years. Oh yea, there have been days I wish I could forget, and days I would not want to repeat. But in the scheme of things, those days are what brought me to greater faith, greater character, and a better woman today. I cannot go to "What If" because that part of life is over and everyday is a new beginning. I used to have a poem that my college mentor gave me (and cannot find it anywhere), but it started like this "Today is the first day of the rest of my life. What I do with this day is important because I have traded a day of my life for it." I am still looking for those words so I can remember how important each and every day of life is.

There was a car accident a couple days ago and an 18 year old girl lost her life and her friend who was driving will now live with that and the very bad decisions she made. There was a patient at work this week who had been shot by her husband 5 times in the stomach, and a very dear 85 year old woman who was struggling to breath with emphysema and many more problems. So in perspective of what is going around me, my life is full and abundant and so blessed that I feel I could burst. Thanks to God above, who in his grace and mercy contines to give me what I don't deserve and loves me when I am not worthy of that love.

So, today is a new day and I am embracing it with what would be the best way to spend it. I have the never ending desire to walk closer with the Lord and don't feel I have impacted my family enough with how the Lord loves them and how important it is to serve Him. That is always at the top of my list. My lesson to the kids last night was about being wise and listening to the right voice, God's voice, and quieting the distracting voices around us. I have thought so much about that, because we did a little exercise to get one of the girls thru an obstacle course blind folded. She had to listen to her "guide" tell her how to get to the goal while the rest of the class was whispering other directions. That a life lesson for me as I watched those whispering wrong directions and realize that is JUST how life is. AND how often I give the wrong voices time in my head when they are not worth the time.

What a challenge!! Hope you have a great day, Love, the soon to be much older, KIM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Fall, Y'all

I have been writing that comment everywhere. I guess it's because I love Fall, the colors, the smells, and the activities. The only thing wrong with Fall is that it is just too short, and then the cold, cold winter will begin.

So far October has been delightful, even tho we have had alot of much needed rain. Ryan celebrated his 19th birthday. He went to a concert (Brand New) in Chicago with some friends, and I was very concerned and, Ok, worried about that little adventure. He is home now and said he had a good time. That is about all the info we will get out of him. He only talks about stuff when he feels like it and, who knows, there may come a time he will tell me all about it. I want so much for him, but realize everyday that I can't make that happen. I can only support him now and pray that he will make good choices and take advantage of every opportunity.

We (David and I) are concerned for all these college kids. Where are they going to work? It will be a push and shove for the good jobs. We continue to pray that God will take care of Ryan and lead him in the right direction, but Ryan is not listening to the Lord right now and trying to find his own way. Scary, very scary!!!

David is still trying to sell cars. It is so slow and I can tell he is thinking, What next? and there is no what next on the planner right now. We do know, from past experience, that the Lord does have a plan and He will take care of us. Why is it so hard to cut back and thinking about Christmas gives me the willies.....but I am content and so are my kids, so I just need to remember that and find special gifts that don't need to cost alot. The hunt begins. We had a recent conversation with some good friends about just stopping buying presents for each other. That is what they had decided to do with their families. Altho, I agreed at the time, I have been thinking alot about that. Being together at Christmas is enough, but I love to give gifts and make them special. Jesus gave us such a special gift, it just seems like Christmas is the time to give a gift, even if we stop all other buying of gifts. So, how will we make Christmas very special this year and not costly? Lots of thought will have to go into this one.

We are getting ready to have family pictures taken. Very excited about that and hoping all those babies put their best face forward!!

I haven't worked alot lately, but used my personal time, because work is slow. Having alot of time at home has been wonderful and, of course, makes me think alot more. I have stayed so busy teaching the kids at church on Wed nights and planning for the praise team. I don't know how I have time to work, but it all seems to work out. So here we go headed for the middle of the week already and time is flying by. Love to all, Kim

Monday, September 28, 2009

Across the Street, Across the Sea

....that was the theme for our annual missions awareness weekend at church this past weekend. Wow, we were privileged to have great people come to our church and participate in worship and learning of God's Word.

Bill Bagley was our main speaker and is full of energy and PASSION for Jesus and especially to see all groups of people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He encouraged and challenged us to not just walk the talk, but throw some words in there too so that other people who are watching us will know why we do what we do. There are souls that need rescued. My favorite illustration from the weekend was about the jet that went down in the Hudson river after being hit by a flock of geese. ALL staff and people riding on that plane were rescued, which was incredible, BUT are we as concerned about those who need rescued from hell!! I think I become too complacent and mind my own business. The challenge is that my business is for lost souls and I need to get busy.

We also had a great workshop Sunday morning in Sunday school with Jeff Schwartzentraub from One Heartbeat Ministries, right here in Peoria. Jeff is young, and also full of energy and passionate about leading others to Christ. He gave us a great visual and tool for learning how to start conversations with others. We practiced with our own friends in Sunday School and found out all kinds of things that we didn't know about them in just 15 minutes. It was incredible and a tool I will use and use and use, even tho I usually don't have any trouble talking to people.

It was great to have Dave and Darlene Noden there as well, who have been our missionaries for 42 years !!!! and they are still busy and being used by God in a marvelous way.

So, across the street, or across the sea, how can you and I get busy building relationships and giving others the good news about Jesus?? I now have lots of good ideas...if you need some let me know. Love, Kim

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September has been great!!

We have had such a good month. We had a big birthday party for Joe, Nicole, and Justin. Oh, to be 20 something again. They are at such a great time in their lives and I don't think they realize that----until they turn 40 something!!! It was nice to have Justin home this year for his birthday. David and I have so enjoyed watching our Nicole thru the years. She is beautiful, not just saying that because she is our daughter, and I am sure we are biased, but she is beautiful and tries really hard to always look good. Must have got that from her Dad, not me. We are also enjoying seeing the boys come to Sunday School and be great daddy's for their little girls. We feel so blessed.

We all have been looking forward to the Marigold Festival. This year our dear friends, Doug and Brenda Keasal, came to stay with us for the weekend of the festival. It was so fun having them. (What is it about having friends come that causes a great cleaning motivation! Oh, if I could just get that feeling once a week, I could get so much more done around here.) Their first request was to eat at Avanti's, everyone who leaves the area, always wants to eat there as soon as they get back. Brenda took dressing home from there. Then they ate at Fairview Chicken Farm, another fav on the map!! The festival was a beautiful day, starting with the parade, and then art in the park. About every few feet we ran into people I knew, they knew, we all knew, that is fun....then the Keasals got free strawberry/lemonade drinks from Boerger's booth! Yum, those were good (did you happen to taste their chips this year?? Yum, again) We walked and walked until Doug was about walked out. Then, on Saturday night we had planned an open house for all their friends to come and visit. I had made desserts ahead of time and lots of people came. A legacy of a youth group, they had left behind and many of those kids--now adults came, they were glad to see each other and their former youth pastor and wife. I was reminded how we plant seeds in people lives and sometimes don't even know we are doing that.
I pleaded with Doug and Brenda to sing at church, which they willingly did. How beautiful, with the added bonus of Doug singing and playing with the praise team. We ended our weekend at the Brian Regan comedy show at the Peoria Civic Center and shakes at Steak n Shake on the River. What a good time.
It seems kind of boring around here now...but life has a way of picking up just when you think there is nothing to do. As I have mentioned before, who knows what is just around the corner. Love, Kim

Monday, August 31, 2009

The end of summer, A great change.

Wow, the end of August is today. It flew by and I can hardly believe it. The summer was a blast and I think it was a great one. So, to celebrate I packed a surprise picnic in the trunk of my car yesterday while David was getting ready for church. Then after church I told him and invited the kids and grandkids. Would you believe it was almost too chilly for a picnic, well, we could have had sweatshirts on and been more comfortable, but we were in our church clothes. We had fun together and my sons in laws were desperately trying to catch the ducks!!! Boys love a challenge, the more we said they couldn't do it, the harder they tried. Justin did catch one by the neck and right then my battery on the camera died. The pic wasn't meant to be.

My husband ended our Sunday School series with a game of Jeopardy to review all that we had learned. He is still a kid at heart and loves to challenge people and have fun at the same time. I loved watching him teach this series. He is all or nothing in everything he does. "I Want to Change, so Help me God." It was a great series, but I am concerned that during Sunday School my mind is always a million miles away on the next thing or the thing I should have done before, etc., etc. So I am trying to CHANGE that, focus on the moment more, slow down!!! Let God teach me right now.

Ryan has been changing his habits. Works out every day, gets up for classes, fixes his breakfast....it is scary. Now on to bigger and better changes!!! I see a tiny window of a teenage boy growing up. Boys are so different than girls. I could go on and on with that one. Both my sons in law have been in the navy and army and feel they really learned discipline there and wouldn't change one minute of that life lesson. So I am thinking we moms should be more of a drill sargent, more demanding, yet loving, hard line to walk........

I came face to face with some sins in my life this morning during my quiet time and I didn't like what I saw. So I opened the Bible to 2 Peter 1:3, a verse that Pastor Rick shared during last night's devotion time. God gave me EVERYTHING I need for life and godliness. I am claiming that verse today and with God's help will go back to it several times today to read and re-read. I love my life, but know that I can change alot of it to make it better and better.

So, here is to change. The change of seasons...summer to fall, a good marriage to a great one, a good friend to a fantastic one, a helicopter (new term in today's culture for hovering) mom to a loving, caring one, a relationship with Jesus that just keeps getting better and better.
Have a great week and a wonderful fall. Love, Kim

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Worry and Discontent---Goodbye

They are old friends, worry and discontent. I had to say goodbye to them again this week. It is a love hate relationship. I am forever asking forgiveness for the relationship I have with them, and then I take them back like old friends. But I must say each time I give them back, I give them back with more gusto and more knowledge that everything will be OK, because I know who holds the future and I will only trust in Him. I was thinking this week about how God could love me, how can He love me when I disappoint him so and I am so unworthy of His love. But He sent His Son to die for me....that is unexplainable and hard to put my mind around. Yet, I know He did that for me and how He must love me. It truly does want me to love Him and to love others the way I know He would want me to. It is amazing grace, It is blessed assurance, it is Victory in Christ. That is my own little worship service right here on saturday night as I wait for David to come home from work.

It has been another great week in my life. I switched my schedule so that I will work 2-12 hour days and 1-8 hour day. By doing that I drop a day of work and then can pick one up under my control if need be. I like that better, can play with my schedule a little bit more.

I had a great time at praise practice this week. Wow, I love those people, and we had a really great time just sitting around the piano and singing. Their voices made me smile and the words to those songs were really pointing us to Christ. I have felt the Lord lead in so many ways this past week. Sometimes I stop and think, "now how did that happen so smoothly". Just like today, I signed up to work extra today, dreading the whole way in, took my assignment and began writing it down-looked like a bad day was a-coming (by that I mean very sick and busy patients--so kicking myself for signing up). And then right out of the blue, the charge nurse says, "Hey Kim you want to be discharge nurse today" and I, without hesitation shouted "Yea, baby!!! So it was a great day, working with great people, loving my job. That is just one example of how God takes care of me in so many ways, usually without me even asking. He is just there and knows what I need and when I need it. Wow.

My Dad had a TIA on Thursday, lasted only a few minutes and had no residual side effects. He stayed overnight in the hospital and is fine now. Again, the Lord taking care of us, lots of details about that day that the Lord knew ahead of time. Wow.

I am on my knees often and trying to be obedient. Can't wait for church tomorrow, to mingle with the saints and hear from God's Word. I get to teach the high school girls Sunday School class tomorrow, can't wait for that. The time I have spent studying for that has been so profitable for ME!!. How thankful I am for parents who brought me up to love the Lord and be involved in the local church. Wow, again.
Love ya, Kim

Monday, August 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

What a week we had last week. The week started with all kinds of planning and excitement because Justin was due home on Thursday, after being in Afghanistan for a year. Then on Monday afternoon I had an unfortunate incident happen at work and I was deflated for days. I am working on that problem and already God has given peace that passes all understanding. I don't know how it will all work out, but as I was driving in the car home that day, a song came on the radio that says, "all of you is more than enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need you satisfy me with your love. You are more than enough". Peace flooded over me, I gave that situation to the Lord and I will move on. Praise His name.

On Thursday, about 40 of us put our look alike shirts on, that said Welcome Home Sargent Collins, and we went to welcome his bus into Bartonville. There were tears, tears, and more tears. Might I say that the National anthem never sounded so beautiful as we saluted the flag and watched those soldiers march home. I hope I never forget that day. Justin ran to Jenni and they cried and hung on to each other while Nora waited her turn. Little Natalie didn't know for sure what was going on, but we will show her the pictures and remind her of how much her daddy missed her and what a good girl she was for her Mommy while Daddy was gone.

There is a yearning in our lives (David's and mine) to be more for Christ. The world doesn't want that, so there is a struggle to change our habits and our desires. David has been teaching Sunday School for the summer months leading us in a video series by James McDonald about changing into what God wants us to be. It has been good, but very frustrating, as I listen to the lessons each week and then go about my business as before. So I am making baby steps, even with my victory mentioned in the first paragraph I know God is at work in my life. I cannot dwell on negative things, but must see that God is good and brings me thru trials that He may be glorified.

I am committed to praying for Ryan. I love him and I know I haven't been praying like I should or bonding with him either. So I have renewed that committment and want to make his freshmen year of college a good one.

By the way, there is never a lack of things to pray for. So if your prayer list is empty, call me up and I will give you a few requests!!!

My verse for the day: Psalm 30:12, "that my heart may sing to you and not be silent, O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." Love you, Kim

Monday, July 20, 2009

Apparently I am not very good at this since I haven't posted anything since May. The summer has been so full of fun, fun, fun. I guess I just have been too tired to gather my thoughts. I could go on and on about many details, but tonight I am remembering what fun David and I had on our vacation. We went to Watertown to visit with our extended family and then on to Niagara Falls. How awesome are the falls and I do have to describe them as awesome. I do not use that word very much, but those falls are magnificent, such power, and never ending cascades of water. It was so nice to be relaxed and enjoying each other with nothing to do but whatever we wanted.

When we came home David continued his efforts of looking for a new job. It has been a journey of the unknown most of the time. I was praying specifically that he would find something he could really enjoy without too much stress and, as silly as this sounds, a job that he could wear normal clothes too and not have to get all dirty. Well, guess what!!! God provided a car salesman training opportunity and David was picked out of several people to continue the training and begin a new career. He gets to dress up and he is having fun. We are excited at this new path God is leading David on and see God's hand at work in many ways. A couple of the guys he met along the way are Christians and David has had the opportunity to pray and read the Bible before work with one of the guys. How great is that!!

Our grand children continue to give us so much joy. They are all beautiful and we find that we want to see them alot. They are always smiling and melt our hearts. They have great parents and we are being challenged to pray for them every day. We want God's best for them...because we know how great life can be when standing in the center of God's will.

Our Ryan, is not in God's will and we love him so much that our hearts break to reflect on his life. He is holding down a job, paying for his car, he is all signed up for college classes in the fall and for that we are extremely proud of him. The joy of the Lord is missing in his life and he does not want to even hear about it. So on our knees we go and ask our heavenly Father to intercede where we cannot.

I have had a tough time at work, very sick patients, hard, stressful hours and I tried to come up with a different plan...I wanted to leave and get an easier job. But, the funny thing is that God is NOT opening any doors right now and I seem to hear Him say over and over, "I need you here" and I say "no", then He says it again. I have relinquished for now and am trying to ask the Lord for His vision everyday, to be His hands, His feet, His words. I don't know what my mission is on the fourth floor of that hospital, but I do know that God wants me to live for Him there.

Have I said this before, God is good all the time, all the time God is good ??? The longer I live, the more I believe it. But I am finding out, that when I give my heart and soul to Him and honestly live for Him and not for me, that the true blessings arise. Recently, a couple that was moving away from our church called and wanted to know if they could spend the night with us as they were traveling thru. I was busy, I didn't want to have visitors. I couldn't tell them no, so onward they came. I had the best time with them. I was blessed over and over by their conversation and love. I would have been so sorry to have missed out on that and I had to ask forgiveness from God for not being hospitable and for complaining so loudly!!

There is never a dull moment around here, but as long as those moments are being lived for the Lord--it's no wonder that life isn't dull, because He has promised abundant life. Thank you Jesus!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Memorial Day in the past has never meant as much to me as this one. Justin, my son in law is in Afghanistan finishing up his year of duty. He was involved in enemy fire just these past few days. His good friend Ben was hit, or so they thought, and as Justin fired back to protect him, Ben crawled to the truck for safety. As they looked Ben over, they found out that his side plate had been shattered and only his skin was very bruised. At first we would say whew.....but I KNOW that protection came from GOd's people praying!!!! THe boys were shook up over that but I fired an email off right away to let them know God is answering prayer. Praise You Father!

Ryan has graduated. Yea!!! The best thing about this weekend was watching God's saints pour into my house and show Ryan the love of Christ. Ryan has not been coming to church and has not developed any deep relationships at church. But, God's people were faithful and I am amazed at that, and I have been taught once again a life lesson from those I go to church with. What a great church family I have. I love them dearly. We had a great time having the party and watching Ryan walk up to that podium and culminate his years of learning at PCHS. I am excited to keep praying for Ryan's next journey and see where God will lead. He has chosen ICC for his first year of college and we are glad about that. This community is blessed to have such a nice community college so close with so much opportunity at our fingertips.

By the way, Dad's incision did not have to be opened and has begun healing very nicely. Little by little his strength is returning. I am taking Mom for blood work today, her monthly appointment.

Life is good and God is faithful. Love ya, Kim

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Fantastic Weekend

This past weekend Emily and Derrius got married. I spent the weekend in a hotel with ALL my grandgirls swimming and eating and getting dressed up for a wedding. I was in heaven and had a little girl in my lap or arms at all times. Emily was a gorgeous bride and Derrius was so excited, it was cute. That marriage has been a long time coming, so we are thrilled it has taken place. I am praying that Emily and Derrius will desire to build their marriage on the ROCK, the only stability in life. Weddings are a great time to reflect on our own personal relationships and I just have to add here how thankful I am that my husband has put up with me and has taught me and led me thru coming up on 29 years. Yes, just 29 short years ago I was a nervous bride to be wondering what life was going to hold for me. It has been a wonderful marriage, oh yes, ups and downs, but we are growing old together, just what we always wanted!!! I heard on the radio this week and have heard at many weddings, that a strand of three cannot quickly be broken. A statement with so much truth. God, David and me have had to work together to keep this marriage going. I don't know how the couples without God among them can make anything work.

I have just been reading this morning about God's love and what can separate us from that love. NOTHING<> NOTHING!!!! Romans 8. I am ashamed to say that I have actually let the thoughts run across my mind, about walking away and trying life on my own without God. That still small voice has always told me, "I Love you and will walk with you thru anything, I will not leave you or forsake you" I am so thankful for that.

OK, today.... taking Dad to the dr again. He will probably have to have his incision cut open and drained of lots of infection...another bump in our road. BUT, the bumps in the road have been learning experiences and only make us rely on God more. I am praying that Dad's love for life will return. We were told again yesterday that the tests are still showing NO cancer. I marvel at GOd's work in Dad's life. Mom and Dad were not able to go to Emily's wedding and that was sad, sad that they couldn't go and sad that they were content to stay home.....that is not my parents! Old age changes people and I don't like it.

Lots to do today. In the middle of all this, I am getting ready for Ryan's graduation party. Bittersweet it is. Yea, that he is graduating, sad that he didn't try harder his senior year. He needs the Lord in his life. We still don't get along too well, but oh I love that boy and I know that God isn't finished with him yet. (Love that song!!) Another week, never a dull moment around here!!! Loving life, and loving you, Kim

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a week and it's only Tuesd!ay!!

I don't know where to begin. It has been a wild few days. I think it has something to do with my husband being gone.....anyway, I would like to blame him. No just kidding, it has nothing to do with David being gone except that I realize how much I DO depend on that guy. My mother in law must be worried, she has called me to tell me that David misses me and then called again to tell me she thinks David should be here with me. She is a forever romantic, bless her little irish heart.

My dad has had a few complications and is now back in the hospital with dehydration, renal failure, and a possible abscess. He has lost nearly 20 pounds in the last 2 weeks and lost his strength as well. He has a good spirit so far but the rest of us are totally stressed.

I have been depressed, maybe mad, that no one wants to hire David. Do they know him and how good of a worker he is????? No, I know they don't, and I know God is saying wait, but I am not good at that waiting thing. I am getting down, trying to keep everyone up, does that make any sense, kind of hypocritical and lame!!! AND right when the going gets tough, the daily bread takes me to the scripture that I need. Matthew 6:33 says to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Do I believe that? Yes...so why do I have to be reminded so many times. The author of that little article said this, " Make it practical: Always pray before planning, Always love people more than things, Do all things to please God. Those who lay up treasures in heaven are the RICHEST people on earth." AMEN!!! So, I will again lay my burdens at the feet of Jesus and let HIM take them on.

There is so much going on at church, Emily's wedding coming up, Ryan's prom, senior pic's, graduation, oh yea, this house is a mess too. I don't know how it will be accomplished but this pilgrim journey we call life is never dull and very exciting. I just think some times I could like dull and boring :) . So We will carry on and see what unfolds today.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What do I have to do to come home

....Those were the words that I received as a text message on my phone early yesterday morning. Long story short, David met with Ryan for breakfast, had a good long talk and Ryan is moving back home today. Our hearts are singing. I am reminded again of how short the time is that we have with each other and how every second of life counts. So..I am challenging myself AGAIN to make every second count especially with those I love. Don't be afraid to remind me of that every now and again. Accountability is also right up there with important things I need to think more about.

Yesterday was David's birthday...51 years old. We have celebrated 31 of those years together. That is unbelievable. For his present this year I wanted him to fly to Watertown and be with his family. He misses them and his nephew is joining the Air Force next weekend, so David will be able to be at his going away party. I just dropped him off at the airport and he is on his way. We hate to be apart and I won't be able to wait until he gets back home. Of course, I have a ton of projects that I am thinking about accomplishing while he is gone. The #1 project getting Ryan back in here!!!!
We celebrated last night with brats, corn on the cob, mac n cheese, and banana cream pie, all food choices of David. We have a great time getting together, with all these babies in the family it is starting to get really loud. Oh well, the house is very quiet when they leave and then I wish they were back. :) Dad didn't come, but he was content to stay home, he was having lots of pain today. He is doing well, but surgery is taking it's toll on his strength and at his age we really have to encourage him to get up and get moving.

Well, I have been up since 4 am so a little nap will be needed if I get any projects done today. Have a great day. Thanks again for listening. Love ya all, Kim

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Do you ever feel like that? The world is spinning so fast that everything gets blurry and you get dizzy from all the action. This week has felt just like that to me.

We ended last week with Justin going back to Afghanistan and Ryan moving out. It was a tough week, but I tried to reflect on the new life--Natalie, the most perfect sinner I ever did see. She is a cutie, have I mentioned that. But to be honest, she is gonna have to get a lot louder if she wants to be noticed around here. All 5 grandaughters were here this afternoon, and we literally put Natalie in her seat in the corner and kept forgetting about her. She just sleeps and sleeps, looks very angelic. I was privileged to play "salon" with the big girls, my nails are at this moment a silver color and my toe nails are hot pink. I went to church tonight like that and played the piano---I didn't have time to take it off. ANyway, then I set up a little tea party for the big girls with angel food cake and grape juice. Oh my, they made a mess, but they had a lot of fun. Addison and Nora actually took naps at the same time, praise God--so Jenni was able to slip off to Walmart alone while Natalie slept in the corner, Nora and Addison were in playpens, and Adrianna and Alaina were playing salon with Nana. I must mention here that Joe and Nicole were on their way to Chicago after church today for a Cubs game, only to have it rained out and they returned very disappointed. Hey, they got to eat at the Cheesecake factory, don't feel too sorry for them. Papa was sleeping in his chair, but did come to my rescue at just the right time.

So back to this week. We started at the hospital with Dad having surgery. He has done very well, has a new ileostomy that is working well. We are waiting on the pathology report from the cancer they found in his colon again. But we are hopeful and have much peace that God is in control and knows what is best. Mom had some real problems this week, couldn't remember where Dad was or what he was having done. It broke my heart and totally frazzled her. She came out of it later and slipped back again. We don't know what we are going to do. I worked and took care of Dad all week, so by Thursday, I was done in. We had planned Emily's wedding shower along time ago, so went ahead with that on Saturday. Thankfully, Nicole did most of the work. I cleaned my bathroom and let everyone come on in. We had great food and great fun with girls we haven't seen for quite a while. Poor Em, Sydney is sick and very crabby. That made the day a little hard for Emily. Em was tired and about worn out. I totally collapsed after the shower--for 45 minutes, until it was time to go to David's referee banquet. He loves those guys and about an hour into it I had loved them all I could muster. Ha Ha.

Anyway, life is spinning wildly. Am I having fun???? FOr the most part, yes, but I miss Ryan something terrible. He says he is alright, but I need to see him and it has been a week since I saw his face. David will turn 51 this week and then fly to Watertown on Thursday to spend some time with his folks. He misses them alot and needs to spend some time with his brother.

I need to learn to relax, wouldn't you say so. My joy and my strength is not gone, however, because I realized again today that my joy and strength do not come from this world but from God and he is constant in my life. THe sermon today was Proverbs 3:5,6, yes, that I would trust in Him with ALL my heart and not lean on my own understanding, BUT in ALL my ways acknowledge HIM and he will direct my paths. What a great verse, one that is worth memorizing and repeating daily. Love you all, your smiles and prayers have sustained me, thanks for being there for me, you will never know what that means. Love, Kim

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Birth and Death

Natalie Lynette, my 5th grandaughter was born Tuesday night. Jenni, my middle daughter, did that delivery with no drugs. (I don't know if she will try that again), but she did an awesome job and couldn't have done it without her husband Justin, who flew from Afghanistan to be with her----a BIG THANK YOU to the Army for that one!! I stood back in amazement as the progression of that birth took place. What a miracle of life. Natalie gave a real good "holler" when she realized she was out in a bright lit and cold room. She has a good set of lungs and she wanted to eat right away. That's my girl!!! In fact, I was laughing when I looked at my pictures. I have pictures of both my daughters immediately after giving birth and they are eating a great big sandwich from McDonalds or other fav restaurant. That birthin babies is real hard work and anybody that does it, sure enough deserves a break today from McDonald's!!! So everyone is well and Nora, the big sister, well, let's just say her world is about to change drastically. But, oh my, she loves her sissy, and can't give her enough kisses. We hope she learns to be a little more gentle tho. :) :)

This morning, as I was listening to wonderful praise music (thanks WBNH) and walking on the treadmill, I wondered which is more exciting to watch that miracle of life or on the other hand, watch the death of a saint. I have seen both. I realized I cried at both. Crying at the birth, because I can't believe the miracle I was privileged to see and proud of my daughters for just great work, and loving God for making it all possible. Crying at the death of a saint..for? I don't know, because I am going to miss that person...but I think more than that. Crying because this saint, this brother or sister that I know "in Christ" has lived a life that gave glory to God, and wants to be with Him more than wanting to be here. I had a patient this week, an older black man, who was so sick, just moaned and groaned as I moved him or even touched him. His speech was garbled, but I picked up on one word and it was Jesus. I leaned over with big tears in my eyes and said, "Is it ok if we talk to Jesus right now?" and he said a resounding yes. So I held that big black hand and praised the Lord for our lives and how He blesses, we asked the great Physician to heal, whether that healing be here or in heaven. That created a bond, that I will never forget, and today on my day off, I keep seeing that face and wondering how he is doing. He will be moved to a nursing home today while I am gone, but I will never forget that moment with him and how precious it is to be in the presence of the Lord with someone else who loves Him like I do.

On a completely different subject--David had a great interview yesterday and we are waiting for God's leading, of course, that means are they going to call? and what offer will they make?

Ryan should be on his way home from Gulf Shores and our reunion is not going to be an easy one. Oh, I love that boy, and I know this battle is not mine, but God's. So I gave it to Him this morning and as it says in 2 Chronicles 20:17 "You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions, stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.....do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow and the Lord will be with you." Now the giving to the Lord is easy, its the not taking back, and the standing firm that is hard.

What a great way to get these feelings off my chest. I have so enjoyed typing this out and I feel refreshed and very, very blessed to call Him my Saviour. Lots of Love, Kim

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It got worse.

What did I say that last blog??? Something about wondering what was around the corner....yes, and the tornado blew thru. Worse than I expected. Although I don't feel like I can share it publicly, let's just say that my son is in need of some real prayer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Joe's Crab Shack

We had supper tonight at Joe's Crab Shack with Nicole, Joe, Addison, Jenni, Nora, and Justin. Yes, Justin is home from Afghanistan for a few (14) short days. Wow, we had a great time. (We have great kids who have great husbands, who all made great kids!!) It did my heart good to see everyone together and happy. I really missed not having Ryan there, he had to work. Something has been missing in my relationship with Ryan this year. It is that tough year, where he is trying to be his own self and I am TRYING to let him go, pull him back, and then let him go again. It gets ugly. But I think I am finally letting go easier and more often.

Anyway, it's scary, because life seems good, really good right now. In the past when I have felt like that, a bump in the road comes up and throws us for a loop. David still has not found work, but amazingly enough we seem OK about that. I think David might be getting a little restless and needs to find some purpose, it doesn't have to be a purpose with a great big income attached to it (but we wouldn't turn that down:) ), no just some meaningful purpose that he can accomplish on a daily basis. He has alot of purpose, but when a man doesn't have a job, it is hard for him to feel like he is doing something worthwhile. I have tried to give him several worthwhile projects, but he is not biting at that bait right now. I truly do understand how he feels, he is vegging for awhile and that is OK with me. It is so great that he has been able to babysit some of our grandkids during this time, and do that special grandpa bonding. I had a great idea today that he should go and visit his family in New York for awhile. He misses them and I want him to be able to spend time with them now when he has a chance.

We are hopefully planning a St Louis trip for his 51st birthday April 22. That will be just what we need. We love to go away together, OK, even if it is to a Cardinals game.

We are anxiously waiting for Natalie Lynnette Collins to enter into this world. When it gets this close, I feel like I can hardly wait to hold her and see what she looks like. Our fifth grand daughter. My Dad is having surgery again on April 13th. I am excited about that too, because God has answered my prayers in a way I never expected. That Dr Bonello would decide to takedown his colostomy that we hate and give him a new one, is WAY more than I would have ever asked for. Isn't it just like God to give such a wonderful answer to prayer, AND an answer that I never, ever expected. Wow.

Anyway, as you can see, my heart is singing praises to my Saviour....for blessing my life. Would I be singing praises if I didn't feel blessed? I hope I can say yes, because I have learned that with the good, some bad may occur, but it is always thru the bad that I learn, grow, and learn more about who God is and what He can do. So I am waiting AGAIN, because I know something really special from God is just around the corner.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks Day

I am really not into St Patricks Day too much, but I married into an authentic Irish family, so I at least send cards to my inlaws, etc. That always makes me think of how my mother and father inlaw left Ireland shortly after being married and traveled to Canada in search of a new job. The rest is history, but I know how terribly hard it was for them and how their character was defined because of what they went through. (Irish stew should be our dinner tonight, but I make it so much, because we love it, that it would not be special!!)

I am so thankful that my in laws and my parents have always trusted the Lord for everything in their lives. What a heritage to come from and to be able to have memories from. I can't imagine life any other way. I know the prayers of these dear people (and their parents before them) have sustained me in this journey of life.
Which makes me think of the specific prayers I am praying for my kids right now. Justin is in Afghanistan and has had some struggles in his personal life while he has been there. So, we have prayed and prayed that first he would grow as a Christian and know who he is in Christ. Jennifer has been without him through her entire pregnancy and is about to deliver in 3 weeks. Of course, we have been praying for safety, health, and adjustment time for her. Joe has also been struggling in his personal life with habits and marriage, etc. We have been praying that God would show Himself to Joe and that Joe would realize the need in his life for a relationship with Jesus. Our Nicole is full of talent and also a great Mom. I watch her struggle with her relationship with Jesus as well and I pray that she will grow this year to know Jesus in a new way, to have an intimate relationship with Him that she cannot do without. That will make her talents, her marriage, her mothering all renewed and refreshed thru Jesus. Ryan is our baby, about to be a man. He has his own ideas about life right now and does not need God. We know how dangerous of a position he has put himself in, so we are praying for protection for him and asking God to lead Ryan to Himself. It is mentally exhausting to hold our children up in prayer. I guess that is why I am so tired all the time. :)

I am so glad God is in control and that I can rest in His arms and remember from my past how He has led me thus far.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday nights are fun

It has been a great week. David has no leads on a new job yet, but God has provided graciously and we are blessed.

There have been so many times this week that I have been able to worship God in the most unexpected times and places. I cannot fathom His great love and feel so blessed that He continues to show me grace and mercy in my life. I have struggled with some issues in my life, but each and every time my devotional or playing at the piano, or listening to the radio has given me just the words I needed to hear to know and reaffirm that God is in control.

I babysat Addison today. She is the most precious child. She smiles and smiles, (and loves to eat). She has about 4 teeth and crawls all over the house. She found a toilet roll today and had it all rolled out in about 30 seconds while I was drying my hair. That was a good picture!! Then Jenni dropped Nora off. Nora and Addison love to see each other, kisses abound.

We went out to eat with Joe, Nicole, Addison, Jenni and Nora to Buffalo Wild Wings. We had a great time. We have such a good time with our kids. We are so proud of them and love to watch them with their children. As I watch them, I know that the most important decisions they can make in their life is to follow Christ. I know, it will not be easy, but so worth it. At the time we are living life, sometimes we don't realize how important it is to do what God wants us to. But how I know that each and every decision will form the rest of your life. May God help us all, to know Him better and desire what He wants for our lives. Love, and God's blessings to you, Kim

Monday, March 2, 2009


It was a great weekend. Aren't surprise birthdays fun? We surprised our good friend, Bruce Main, for his 60th birthday. Melanie gathered a few of us at her house in Sugar Grove and he had no idea. It was such a great evening of renewing friendships. I love to sit back at parties such as that and watch the interaction between such good friends. I realized that alot of the things I learned about adult friendships, I learned from Bruce and Trish Main. They are such good friends and have such good qualities of friendship instilled in them. Every time we are with them, it is as if we were never apart. That is a wonderful feeling and we know that we could call them anytime about anything. Such a blessing in our lives.

Not really a surprise, but Sunday was Jenni's 24th birthday. She got a nice surprise and was called off work that day. So she was able to spend the day however she wanted. That's what birthdays are for!!! I had to work though, but I caught up with her about 4:00 after she had enjoyed some alone time shopping just for herself. David fixed our supper, her birthday supper and then it was time for her to go home. She teasingly said that for her birthday she wished someone would drive her home. (She lives in Minier, about a 25 minute drive, and she is 8 months pregnant--tires very easily, legs are about worn out!!) I SURPRISED her and said sure we will. So, I drove her home, after a quick stop at Culver's for a birthday ice cream treat, and her Dad followed us in our car, so he could bring me home. Being in the car alone with one of your children, however old they are, is such a great place for conversation, usually uninhibited conversation. In my old age, I am finallly learning to take full advantage of those times.

My other surprise of the weekend came tonight, (not really the weekend, but sounds good for story telling :) ) I had planned on taking my mom shopping tonight after work. We had decided to go together and get a vanity table for my grandaughter Adrianna's 9th birthday, which we will be celebrating this Saturday. So I picked up Mom went directly to Target, and bought our item. She used her Discover card for her half. I dropped her off at her house and not even 45 minutes later she called and said "What am I going to get Adrianna for her birthday?" I guess I am calling this a surprise, because it is still a surprise to me that she cannot remember things just like this. So I gently reminded her that we had just been to Target and she used her charge card. She was flustered because she did not have the receipt. My mistake....I should have given her the receipt to help her remember. Beleive me, that won't be the last of it. She will call again and ask the same thing. When she gets to the party, she might not remember that her package is already here and paid for. Dementia is so scary and we all feel so helpless in how to help her. We have given her calendars, post it notes, and all kinds of reminders, but they don't always work. It's funny how there are some things she never forgets, like her hair appointments for instance, and she plays the organ wonderfully. Oh well, she is happy, can dress herself, and can take herself to the bathroom, which we are daily thankful for. (She just called again, and asked if she used her Discover card tonight.)

Speaking of surprises, again, as in most blogs I write, I am wondering what surprise the Lord has around the corner for me. I can never be sure what will be along my path, but I am sure of WHO will be there with me.

Monday, February 23, 2009

What does God have in store?

Still thinking about Friday night. We invited several of the young couples from church over for pizza and games. We played scattergories and taboo. It was fun to see everybody interact, laugh, and get to know each other better. Why don't we do that more often? I was hoping that get together would encourage others in the group to keep doing that in their homes. It seems that hospitality is a lost art. It was so easy to throw some stuff together and it is a GREAT motivator for cleaning the house. So we will see, if the gettin' together catches on. (Hoping to have a St Patricks Day brunch for just girls in March)

Today was a quiet day. I can think of alot of things I need to do, but can't seem to get motivated. I was supposed to work this afternoon and work called to see if I could work tomorrow instead. Yea. Putting off work is always fun. So I ran several errands and was glad to get that done. Birthday shopping for Jenni.....not sure what to get her. The older the kids gets, the harder it seems to think of something special to get them. Still thinking about that one.

Feeling kind of crafty and started the nursery project for Natalie's wall hanging and her curtains too.

The highlight of today was "irish stew" for supper. It was so good and makes the house smell very inviting. Just kind of a blah day. What does the Lord have in store for us? David has had no job interests and he is sick to make matters worse. It seems like whenever I have had a wonderful day of worship on Sunday (and yesterday was a wonderful study in Sunday School and a great worship service), Monday is always challenging. I guess Satan does not want me to carry on praising the Lord thru the week. We are invited to a surprise birthday party on saturday for a very special friend. We can't wait for that.

We will see what this week holds. My goal is to be a woman after God's heart, I want to be different at work AND at home. I want to see others thru God's eyes and always have a word on the end of my tongue that will glorify the Lord. My prayer list is getting so long I find myself in constant prayer. David's says that I never pray before I eat, I don't see it like that, because I am constantly praying and talking to Him about everything.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Helping out the kids

Today was my day off. But as most days off, it was way busier than being at work. I always have Addison on Wednesdays and she didn't feel too good today. Bless her heart, she is working on about 2 or 3 upper teeth. I know she hurts and her nose was running, she couldn't eat and breathe at the same time. Anyway, today was work day at Jenni's house so we picked up Grandma Shirley and off to Minier we flew.

Jenni is trying to make her little house accomodate one more baby until her hubby gets home from Afghanistan and they can find a new house. So David is fixing a wall in the computer room, then he will paint, and then Jenni and I can turn that little room into a beautiful nursery for Natalie to enjoy!! Nora was soooo excited to see us come in. Justin was talking to Jenni on Skype when we walked in, so it was kind of weird, but very nice, to hear his voice when we walked thru the door. Nora learned a new word today "Coco" which is what she calls her Aunt Nicole. So while David worked on the wall, Grandma Shirley played with the girls, and Jenni and I sorted thru, threw away, and reorganized piles so that lots of stuff can fit into their nice little house. She is feeling very pregnant now and so needs lots of encouragement and motivation to start a project and see it thru. Justin will be home April 1 for 2 weeks so we have lots of work to do before then. We want him to relax and enjoy his girls when he gets here.
We always have lots of fun together and I am so thankful that our family enjoys each other. I have to work on NOT smothering my kids, because I could be with them everyday and I know they need their space and have their own families. So, while Justin is gone we have stepped in, but when he returns, and we will be glad when he does, we will be glad for him to take his rightful place. Jenni has done a marvelous job while he is gone. She has had ALOT of responsibility and I am proud of her for that. I am not sure every woman could do as well and be pregnant and work 3-12 hour days a week.

I was just thinking today that I want to verbalize to Jenni how God is protecting her and her husband. I know she knows that, but we need to say it often. Giving God the glory for what he does in our life. I love the stories in the Old Testament when God's people stopped where they were and piled up some rocks to remember what God had done. So that everytime they would come to those rocks they could tell their children and remember what God had done. I am not sure I have been too good at that as a parent. I always have given God the glory, but maybe did not talk about it enough so that the kids knew I was praising GOd again for the work in my life and in my family.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Weekend

This was a great weekend. David and I spent all of Saturday together. Went shopping early, shopping for a new bedspread, our present to each other for Valentines. Then we shared a meal at Cheddars. We did all this early so that we could babysit at night and let Nicole and Joe have a date. So Jenni was bored and we invited her over as well, since her honey is in Afghanistan. As we rode home from Peoria, my mind was swirling with ideas to give the grandkids a good memories at Nana and Papa's and help to celebrate Valentine's day to help them remember how very much we love them. So we decided to plan a scavenger hunt in the house. I ran to the dollar store and got some little prizes to be found, then we quickly started making the hunt. Of course, David was complaining the whole time that it was a lot of work, but guess who really got into it. In all reality David loves the organize games for the kids and he is definitely the creative one. I come up with the idea and then he runs with it. Anyway, Adrianna and Alaina had a blast and asked if we could do scavenger hunts for their birthdays and Easter. Of course, Nora was running around just following the "big girls", that was her hunt and Addison just chewed on her book and was perfectly satisfied. It was a fun night to have them all together and create a little memory for all of us.

It is unbelievable that the guy I met at college has loved me all these years and I think loves me even more. I can't imagine spending this life time without him. He is my best friend. We laughed last night as we crawled into bed, exhausted after having the grandkids. He said, "We're doing it" and I said "Doing what?" He said, "We are growing OLD together!!" THat is for sure, but it's fun all the same and nothing brings us more joy than to be with our kids and grandkids. No wait a minute, we do like to go on trips all by ourselves, that is in close competition with being with our kids. Usually we get on our trips and wish the kids were with us.

It was a great weekend. Lots of "Stuff" in the air, struggles some of us are having, no job for David, Justin in Afghanistan....however, God is present and in control. How I am so thankful for that. What would we do without that knowledge???

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alot going on up there!

I was sitting by a girl at work today who was just talking away to herself, and I mentioned I hoped it was OK for me to listen in...Ha. She said sure and then mentioned there was alot going on in her head and several voices talking to each other. We laughed about that, but in reality there ARE alot of voices in our head, all battling for attention. Some good, some bad, and some downright evil. It made me thankful that there is one voice in my head louder than all the others--the Holy Spirit, convicting me, guiding me, and helping me determine right from wrong. It hasn't always been that way. But as I have gotten older, spiritually speaking, the voice of the Holy Spirit has gotten louder.

This week I know God is trying to give me a lesson. It all started with the Daily Bread one morning. David and I were reading it together and it was about Abraham taking Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him. We can't believe that Abraham had that kind of faith, what Isaac must have been thinking, and visualizing that whole scene in our heads. So David and I asked each other if we could do something big if God asked us, for instance leave next week for a foreign country to be a missionary. I had to say no, at this point I couldn't do it. And so, if that is my true answer, I have a lot of work to do in my spiritual walk. Then that afternoon, the Chris Fabry show had Phil Visher's partial sermon from Founder's week. He is the guy who created Veggie Tales. IT was a fantastic sermon and I really want to get the tape. Anyway, he was talking about who else...Abraham and Isaac. Abraham's walk with God gave him a huge faith. He also said "You know what Noah was doing the first 500 years before he built the ark."He was walking with God the Bible says. Then my son challenged us this week with some things every parent doesn't want to hear. But it was challenging to my faith. Because if I had been walking with God like I should, Ryan might have seen God differently.

So I have again committed my walk to the Lord, asking for wisdom in every area of my life. Praying for Ryan to see a glimpse of Jesus everyday in our home and in my life. Praying that Ryan would see God for who He is. Enough of this superifcial walking, I need something deeper, way deeper. and all this time I have been waiting for someone else to hand that to me on a silver platter, the preacher for instance, when all along it's me that needs to do the work, work on the relationship that is more important than any other.

This has been a bunch of jumbling words. But really I only do this blog for me, so if you are reading this, sorry. I only started doing this to remember where I have been and where I need to go.

I watched the Gaither Homecoming hour one ni ght this week and it was all the old time hymns that I grew up with. I sat in the chair and cried, not just because the words meant SO much to me, the memories of sitting in the pews and loving my church family were fresh, but the theology in those words is so deep and meaningful, more than the songs we sing these days. I cried for the sadness I feel at where the "church" seems to be going and how my kids and grandkids will miss those hymns and not love them like I do.

Love Lifted Me, when nothing else could help, Love Lifted Me

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Shane's Wedding Day

I was so excited to get up this morning and get ready for Shane's wedding. Shane has always had a special place in my heart. He spent alot of time at my house when he was growing up and because his mom and I are so close, I think of him like a son. I am thrilled that he found the sweetest girl, Christy, and we are so happy to have her as
part of our family now. I have prayed ALL week and throughout the wedding today that Shane and Christy would overcome the odds and have a LONG, forever married life. I know they cannot make that happen without putting God first. So I mostly prayed that Shane would make his relationship with the Lord a priority and that he would obey God's leading to be the leader of his family. Pastor Mike gave us 3 "G" words to think about with marriage today in the ceremony. Guard your hearts and marriage, Grow together and make that relationship a priority, and Give God the glory for good times and bad.

Weddings are so fun. To get dressed up in our finest clothes (although people don't do that much anymore--I think it is a GREAT excuse to get something new and get real fussy about how I look for a change.) I love to make the day all about the two that are getting married. I am often tempted to want to do something else, but my wedding day was so special and I expected the traffic to stop because I was getting married, so why shouldn't that be how everyone getting married should be treated. I never go to a wedding without thinking about my wedding!! I was so nervous and so glad to finally be getting the man I wanted. My mom and Carol Hillman made the church and the church basement look so beautiful that day. It was a great day---mostly just to have all my friends and family in one place to help me celebrate one of the biggest days in my life. Let's face it the next time you get all those people together could be at a funeral, so let's enjoy the company when we are at weddings. So if you are reading this and getting married---invite me!!!

The next thing I think about at weddings is how hard the married life has been. I am not saying that because David has been hard to live with. I am saying that because I haven't been so easy to live with. I was not grown up or ready to get married when I did. So David had to painfully put up with me becoming a woman. That was not easy. I have done sooooo many things wrong that I really wish I could go back and fix, do over, make it better. BUT, I can't so I have had to learn the hard way, sometimes learn 2 and 3 times before I begin to understand that God intended for me to make other choices, act in different ways, say something wiser. I guess I am saying I am so glad that David, my sweet husband, has decided that I was worth the wait, that I was worth hanging on to. That when the going got tough, he got out of my way!!!! I truly do want to grow old with the man, OK, he hasn't been all that easy to live with, but I would not want to live with anyone else. I want to be old, feeble, and still holding his hand. So, that meant and still means today that I must really work at this marriage, that I must give in when I don't want to, and not always have my own way. Most of all I have had to say to my heavenly Father, "Lead me, tell me what to do, what to say. Change me because I can't change him." The Lord has been faithful to my prayers and hopefully I have changed for the better and will continue to make this marriage a great one.

It has been a sentimental day for me. I looked around the room at the reception and realized that I knew alot of people there who had been thru more than one marriage, who has been hurt over and over, and is hurting today.I know what this world needs, and it is JESUS. To obey Jesus and listen to Him would make our lives so much easier, why can't we get that!!! Help us Lord to love you more, to turn our eyes on you, so that the things of this world will become strangely dim in the light of Your glory and grace.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24, 2009

This week has been quite a blur. A mother's work is never done. When your child is hurting, sick, or just needs you there is a seeming magnetic force that pulls you in their direction. Might I mention that when my husband needs me I feel an even stronger pull to help him. Although it seems easier sometimes to help my kids. You see both needed me this week. There are talks of a layoff and so my husband will most likely lose his job this month. That scares all of us. I say scares, but yet, we know that God has some other plan in mind. The scary thing is where is He going to take us. I say scary again, although, I am not scared of God leading me, I am scared that I cannot go where He wants me to go. But the song "Great is Thy Faithfulness" comes to my mind. I can only reflect on the thousands of times in the last 28 years of our marriage that God remained so faithful thru many scary times. I am crying even now, knowing that my God has never forsaken me, never turned His back on me., but is always waiting for me to hold His hand and be led by His side. I have not been faithful, but He has, and IS!!

I watched this week while my newest grandaughter and her parents struggled with her having croup and how we want to have croup instead of her. How she smiled even tho she was so sick and gave us many reasons to rejoice that God gave her to our family.

I watched my next grandaughter have a terrible viral illness that left her lethargic, not eating, not playing, just miserable. How again, I would rather that I had the illness than her.

My daughters both got sick when their babies got sick and I want to be there for them and help them as much as I can.

My son is becoming a man. He is desperately trying to find his place in this world. He has not learned to lean on our Father and that makes me hurt for him.

Through these trials this week, I know that if I want to help my kids this much, that my heavenly Father must want to help me even more. Why am I so resistant at times to accept what He has to give me. Here's what my daystarter from Pastor Pothoven said today:

When Jesus came to their home, Martha busied herself in making preparation for His visit." She was truly doing a good work. But, Jesus said, "Martha . . . you are worried and upset about many things." Of Mary we read that she "sat at His feet listening to what He said." Jesus said that Mary chose to learn at His feet, which was the "better" thing.
Joshua once said to the people; fear the Lord, serve Him faithfully and put away your idols. "Choose you this day whom you will serve . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:14. A very wise choice!
Sometimes the choice is between good and bad. Other times it may be between the good and the better or the best.
Lord, forgive me when I have made unwise choices
and help me to choose the better things in life.
Surely, to sit at Your feet and learn from You
is one of the best choices I can make. Amen.
May I make choices this week that honor the Lord. May others see God at work in my life, especially my husband and my kids. May I take the TIME to sit at God's feet and learn from him.