About Me

Loving life to the fullest!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sewing and Preparation!!

Wish I had a picture of my Grandma Irene to put with this blog. (I will work on that!) Anyway, today I drug out my sewing machine. It's always out, but in a cold corner of the basement. When I have alot of sewing to do I like to bring it upstairs in the warmth and sit by a sunny window. This always makes me think about Grandma Irene. Thank you to my Grandma for teaching and encouraging me how to sew. You know she gave me a sewing machine for high school graduation and I thought then, "I will never use that", but I was sooooo wrong. I use it all the time, not just for me, but for others too. I remember one of the boys at Rankin, saying "Mrs. Allen, I have a zipper broke on my coat, can you fix that?", many curtains and valances for lots of homes, mending, and most recently sewing on cards that I make. It is sometimes frustrating, but always rewarding. My most recent project is for some kids I don't even know. Jenni and Justin are going to foster parenting classes and found out that in emergency situations when kids are taken out of a bad situation at home, their belongings are thrown into garbage bags. So their parenting class teacher is asking for homemade bags to help the situation! I am giving it a whirl. One done, several more to do.

On another note, today Ryan went to look and apply to live in a rental home. Oh, I know he needs to go, but I am already having issues with an empty nest. Not the empty nest so much, as the last child, out on his own, growing up in this world, with lots of lessons to learn. It's OK, I have a heavenly Father who loves him more than I do and I have asked Him to take over where I can't. I know that last statement to be oh so true, but I wrote it out to remind myself once again that I can trust in God's promises. He is faithful and ONCE AGAIN, I put Ryan in His hands.

On to more sewing, (and of course) praying while I sew.

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