My sister took my Mom on a day trip to see her newest Great Grandson Camden yesterday. Today, I tried to talk to Mom about it, and she has absolutely no memory of being there, of holding the baby, or of playing with Sydney. This is the saddest thing in my life thus far!
When I asked her questions, she had a blank stare, and I wanted to scream, "What have you done with my mother???" But instead, a still small voice whispers, "Love her, cherish her, and adore her, she is your mother". Oh how I miss her. I wanted to write about this because I don't want to forget about dementia so that I can help someone else someday that will have to go through this.
Mom, you were the greatest Mom a girl could ever have. We will take care of you till the day you leave us. Much love, Kim
I am so sorry Kim. Your Mom is a treasure! I encourage you and yours to continue making memories . . . live in the moment, take many pictures. I am sure that in the future, they will be a huge blessing and bring many smiles.