This is the stuff that drives me crazy....this is the stuff YOU use!!
Stuff happens, but it seems like it starting piling up these last few weeks. Someone decided to use my credit card to charge $96 to I-tunes. I belong to a wonderful credit union that immediately credited my account, but still there's alot of stuff that has to occur now - stopping the card, waiting for a new one, being fearful to use the new one on-line, etc. I also lost some stuff at home, looked everywhere for it, found it on the floor of my car several days later. How did I miss that? My car is not that dirty. Our schedule has been so hectic and work has been overly busy, so they call every morning to see if I can work that day. I love my co workers, and if I could go to work on those days, it would make life easier for them, (if they would come to work on the days I work short handed, it would be easier for me), but we all have lives to live too, so we deal with the short handedness on some days. My very pregnant daughter got put on bedrest and I have not been available to help her..... Grrrr! Some announcements that I can't mention from other members of my family add to a bit of a mental strain. My dear mom is slowly slipping deeper into dementia and can't remember how to do laundry, how to cook, how to clean, how to have a conversation, etc. This STUFF is hard. BUt,
This is the stuff that our lives are made of. Without this stuff I wouldn't know that Jesus can handle this way better than I can. This stuff helps me to seek after God in a fresh new way, to call out to Him that I can't handle this. So as I worship in church on Sundays HE speaks to me in a loud, clear voice. As I listen to Christian radio, He speaks to me in a loud, clear voice, and as I read His Word, and be still before Him, He lets me know that in the past He has been able to handle every situation in ways I could never imagine. This life of ours changes everyday, but HE never changes. He waits with open arms for times such as these to comfort, encourage, and lift us up to better serve Him.
If I could write song lyrics, I hope I would have written a song just like "This is the Stuff", it says just what I feel on some days. So with a smile on my face I will carry on, I might need reminding now and again that God is good all the time, all the time God is good....but that's what fellowship is all about.
Loving life, Kim
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