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Loving life to the fullest!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Do you ever feel like that? The world is spinning so fast that everything gets blurry and you get dizzy from all the action. This week has felt just like that to me.

We ended last week with Justin going back to Afghanistan and Ryan moving out. It was a tough week, but I tried to reflect on the new life--Natalie, the most perfect sinner I ever did see. She is a cutie, have I mentioned that. But to be honest, she is gonna have to get a lot louder if she wants to be noticed around here. All 5 grandaughters were here this afternoon, and we literally put Natalie in her seat in the corner and kept forgetting about her. She just sleeps and sleeps, looks very angelic. I was privileged to play "salon" with the big girls, my nails are at this moment a silver color and my toe nails are hot pink. I went to church tonight like that and played the piano---I didn't have time to take it off. ANyway, then I set up a little tea party for the big girls with angel food cake and grape juice. Oh my, they made a mess, but they had a lot of fun. Addison and Nora actually took naps at the same time, praise God--so Jenni was able to slip off to Walmart alone while Natalie slept in the corner, Nora and Addison were in playpens, and Adrianna and Alaina were playing salon with Nana. I must mention here that Joe and Nicole were on their way to Chicago after church today for a Cubs game, only to have it rained out and they returned very disappointed. Hey, they got to eat at the Cheesecake factory, don't feel too sorry for them. Papa was sleeping in his chair, but did come to my rescue at just the right time.

So back to this week. We started at the hospital with Dad having surgery. He has done very well, has a new ileostomy that is working well. We are waiting on the pathology report from the cancer they found in his colon again. But we are hopeful and have much peace that God is in control and knows what is best. Mom had some real problems this week, couldn't remember where Dad was or what he was having done. It broke my heart and totally frazzled her. She came out of it later and slipped back again. We don't know what we are going to do. I worked and took care of Dad all week, so by Thursday, I was done in. We had planned Emily's wedding shower along time ago, so went ahead with that on Saturday. Thankfully, Nicole did most of the work. I cleaned my bathroom and let everyone come on in. We had great food and great fun with girls we haven't seen for quite a while. Poor Em, Sydney is sick and very crabby. That made the day a little hard for Emily. Em was tired and about worn out. I totally collapsed after the shower--for 45 minutes, until it was time to go to David's referee banquet. He loves those guys and about an hour into it I had loved them all I could muster. Ha Ha.

Anyway, life is spinning wildly. Am I having fun???? FOr the most part, yes, but I miss Ryan something terrible. He says he is alright, but I need to see him and it has been a week since I saw his face. David will turn 51 this week and then fly to Watertown on Thursday to spend some time with his folks. He misses them alot and needs to spend some time with his brother.

I need to learn to relax, wouldn't you say so. My joy and my strength is not gone, however, because I realized again today that my joy and strength do not come from this world but from God and he is constant in my life. THe sermon today was Proverbs 3:5,6, yes, that I would trust in Him with ALL my heart and not lean on my own understanding, BUT in ALL my ways acknowledge HIM and he will direct my paths. What a great verse, one that is worth memorizing and repeating daily. Love you all, your smiles and prayers have sustained me, thanks for being there for me, you will never know what that means. Love, Kim

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