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Loving life to the fullest!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24, 2009

This week has been quite a blur. A mother's work is never done. When your child is hurting, sick, or just needs you there is a seeming magnetic force that pulls you in their direction. Might I mention that when my husband needs me I feel an even stronger pull to help him. Although it seems easier sometimes to help my kids. You see both needed me this week. There are talks of a layoff and so my husband will most likely lose his job this month. That scares all of us. I say scares, but yet, we know that God has some other plan in mind. The scary thing is where is He going to take us. I say scary again, although, I am not scared of God leading me, I am scared that I cannot go where He wants me to go. But the song "Great is Thy Faithfulness" comes to my mind. I can only reflect on the thousands of times in the last 28 years of our marriage that God remained so faithful thru many scary times. I am crying even now, knowing that my God has never forsaken me, never turned His back on me., but is always waiting for me to hold His hand and be led by His side. I have not been faithful, but He has, and IS!!

I watched this week while my newest grandaughter and her parents struggled with her having croup and how we want to have croup instead of her. How she smiled even tho she was so sick and gave us many reasons to rejoice that God gave her to our family.

I watched my next grandaughter have a terrible viral illness that left her lethargic, not eating, not playing, just miserable. How again, I would rather that I had the illness than her.

My daughters both got sick when their babies got sick and I want to be there for them and help them as much as I can.

My son is becoming a man. He is desperately trying to find his place in this world. He has not learned to lean on our Father and that makes me hurt for him.

Through these trials this week, I know that if I want to help my kids this much, that my heavenly Father must want to help me even more. Why am I so resistant at times to accept what He has to give me. Here's what my daystarter from Pastor Pothoven said today:

When Jesus came to their home, Martha busied herself in making preparation for His visit." She was truly doing a good work. But, Jesus said, "Martha . . . you are worried and upset about many things." Of Mary we read that she "sat at His feet listening to what He said." Jesus said that Mary chose to learn at His feet, which was the "better" thing.
Joshua once said to the people; fear the Lord, serve Him faithfully and put away your idols. "Choose you this day whom you will serve . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:14. A very wise choice!
Sometimes the choice is between good and bad. Other times it may be between the good and the better or the best.
Lord, forgive me when I have made unwise choices
and help me to choose the better things in life.
Surely, to sit at Your feet and learn from You
is one of the best choices I can make. Amen.
May I make choices this week that honor the Lord. May others see God at work in my life, especially my husband and my kids. May I take the TIME to sit at God's feet and learn from him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim - you are such a great Mom - and Grandma! That is so weird to say - Grandma!

    Hope your girls are feeling better.

    Does Pastor Pothoven have a link to his devotional?
