About Me

Loving life to the fullest!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

The end of summer, A great change.

Wow, the end of August is today. It flew by and I can hardly believe it. The summer was a blast and I think it was a great one. So, to celebrate I packed a surprise picnic in the trunk of my car yesterday while David was getting ready for church. Then after church I told him and invited the kids and grandkids. Would you believe it was almost too chilly for a picnic, well, we could have had sweatshirts on and been more comfortable, but we were in our church clothes. We had fun together and my sons in laws were desperately trying to catch the ducks!!! Boys love a challenge, the more we said they couldn't do it, the harder they tried. Justin did catch one by the neck and right then my battery on the camera died. The pic wasn't meant to be.

My husband ended our Sunday School series with a game of Jeopardy to review all that we had learned. He is still a kid at heart and loves to challenge people and have fun at the same time. I loved watching him teach this series. He is all or nothing in everything he does. "I Want to Change, so Help me God." It was a great series, but I am concerned that during Sunday School my mind is always a million miles away on the next thing or the thing I should have done before, etc., etc. So I am trying to CHANGE that, focus on the moment more, slow down!!! Let God teach me right now.

Ryan has been changing his habits. Works out every day, gets up for classes, fixes his breakfast....it is scary. Now on to bigger and better changes!!! I see a tiny window of a teenage boy growing up. Boys are so different than girls. I could go on and on with that one. Both my sons in law have been in the navy and army and feel they really learned discipline there and wouldn't change one minute of that life lesson. So I am thinking we moms should be more of a drill sargent, more demanding, yet loving, hard line to walk........

I came face to face with some sins in my life this morning during my quiet time and I didn't like what I saw. So I opened the Bible to 2 Peter 1:3, a verse that Pastor Rick shared during last night's devotion time. God gave me EVERYTHING I need for life and godliness. I am claiming that verse today and with God's help will go back to it several times today to read and re-read. I love my life, but know that I can change alot of it to make it better and better.

So, here is to change. The change of seasons...summer to fall, a good marriage to a great one, a good friend to a fantastic one, a helicopter (new term in today's culture for hovering) mom to a loving, caring one, a relationship with Jesus that just keeps getting better and better.
Have a great week and a wonderful fall. Love, Kim

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Worry and Discontent---Goodbye

They are old friends, worry and discontent. I had to say goodbye to them again this week. It is a love hate relationship. I am forever asking forgiveness for the relationship I have with them, and then I take them back like old friends. But I must say each time I give them back, I give them back with more gusto and more knowledge that everything will be OK, because I know who holds the future and I will only trust in Him. I was thinking this week about how God could love me, how can He love me when I disappoint him so and I am so unworthy of His love. But He sent His Son to die for me....that is unexplainable and hard to put my mind around. Yet, I know He did that for me and how He must love me. It truly does want me to love Him and to love others the way I know He would want me to. It is amazing grace, It is blessed assurance, it is Victory in Christ. That is my own little worship service right here on saturday night as I wait for David to come home from work.

It has been another great week in my life. I switched my schedule so that I will work 2-12 hour days and 1-8 hour day. By doing that I drop a day of work and then can pick one up under my control if need be. I like that better, can play with my schedule a little bit more.

I had a great time at praise practice this week. Wow, I love those people, and we had a really great time just sitting around the piano and singing. Their voices made me smile and the words to those songs were really pointing us to Christ. I have felt the Lord lead in so many ways this past week. Sometimes I stop and think, "now how did that happen so smoothly". Just like today, I signed up to work extra today, dreading the whole way in, took my assignment and began writing it down-looked like a bad day was a-coming (by that I mean very sick and busy patients--so kicking myself for signing up). And then right out of the blue, the charge nurse says, "Hey Kim you want to be discharge nurse today" and I, without hesitation shouted "Yea, baby!!! So it was a great day, working with great people, loving my job. That is just one example of how God takes care of me in so many ways, usually without me even asking. He is just there and knows what I need and when I need it. Wow.

My Dad had a TIA on Thursday, lasted only a few minutes and had no residual side effects. He stayed overnight in the hospital and is fine now. Again, the Lord taking care of us, lots of details about that day that the Lord knew ahead of time. Wow.

I am on my knees often and trying to be obedient. Can't wait for church tomorrow, to mingle with the saints and hear from God's Word. I get to teach the high school girls Sunday School class tomorrow, can't wait for that. The time I have spent studying for that has been so profitable for ME!!. How thankful I am for parents who brought me up to love the Lord and be involved in the local church. Wow, again.
Love ya, Kim

Monday, August 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

What a week we had last week. The week started with all kinds of planning and excitement because Justin was due home on Thursday, after being in Afghanistan for a year. Then on Monday afternoon I had an unfortunate incident happen at work and I was deflated for days. I am working on that problem and already God has given peace that passes all understanding. I don't know how it will all work out, but as I was driving in the car home that day, a song came on the radio that says, "all of you is more than enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need you satisfy me with your love. You are more than enough". Peace flooded over me, I gave that situation to the Lord and I will move on. Praise His name.

On Thursday, about 40 of us put our look alike shirts on, that said Welcome Home Sargent Collins, and we went to welcome his bus into Bartonville. There were tears, tears, and more tears. Might I say that the National anthem never sounded so beautiful as we saluted the flag and watched those soldiers march home. I hope I never forget that day. Justin ran to Jenni and they cried and hung on to each other while Nora waited her turn. Little Natalie didn't know for sure what was going on, but we will show her the pictures and remind her of how much her daddy missed her and what a good girl she was for her Mommy while Daddy was gone.

There is a yearning in our lives (David's and mine) to be more for Christ. The world doesn't want that, so there is a struggle to change our habits and our desires. David has been teaching Sunday School for the summer months leading us in a video series by James McDonald about changing into what God wants us to be. It has been good, but very frustrating, as I listen to the lessons each week and then go about my business as before. So I am making baby steps, even with my victory mentioned in the first paragraph I know God is at work in my life. I cannot dwell on negative things, but must see that God is good and brings me thru trials that He may be glorified.

I am committed to praying for Ryan. I love him and I know I haven't been praying like I should or bonding with him either. So I have renewed that committment and want to make his freshmen year of college a good one.

By the way, there is never a lack of things to pray for. So if your prayer list is empty, call me up and I will give you a few requests!!!

My verse for the day: Psalm 30:12, "that my heart may sing to you and not be silent, O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." Love you, Kim